SoCo Videography's 2016 Resolutions

Since our beginnings last summer, we've encountered a tidal wave of support. We knew it: Sonoma County is not just thirsty for water; it's thirsty for quality videography at a reasonable price. We are forever thankful for the various communities that allows us to knowledge-share, build, and create. We know that if we love wine country, it will love us back, and together we will grow.

2015 was a huge year for us: one of our fiction films showed at thirteen festivals across the country; we taught a 6-week filmmaking course at Chop's Teen Club, and we've made videos for the lovely businesses and recently-married couples in Sonoma County.

As 2016 approaches, we have been developing our hopes for the new year. So we're sharing these hopes with you -- our friends (and hopefully future friends too).

Resolution #1: To Bring Affordable 4K Videography to Sonoma County

If you want a gorgeous video, you shouldn't have to downgrade your apartment to get it. As videographers, we're always researching lenses, cameras, lighting, and various rigs. While research brings knowledge, it also reminds us that we must always think ahead, that filmmaking can be an expensive profession. Yet, at the same time, we can budget smartly. We can bring gorgeous picture to Sonoma County small businesses and locals.

Recently we invested in a new camera capable of shooting in raw and at 4K resolution, when before we would rent or borrow from the local filmmaking community. We can always and freely offer various resolutions based on your budget. 4K footage takes far more hard drive space than 1080p, so when considering hiring us for a 4K video, shorter videos will get you the best deal.

Resolution #2: Make our Videos Moody

Guys, it's not just a new camera. I shouldn't spoil too much, but I want to say "new lenses." I also want to say that tripods can be sexy, because our new one is. Imagine the smoothest horizontal glide capturing the landscape of your glowing Sonoma County orchard, your eager loved ones awaiting your bride's ascent to the altar, your savory clothing boutique.

We're excited to bring more to you guys in 2016. Please, always feel free to reach out to us and tell us what crazy dream you have for a video. Chances are, it's not that crazy, or we're crazy enough to film it.